where the prairie meets the mountains

have you heard about the lonesome loser?

Tuesday, January 02, 2001

huh. just posted (or i thought i did) two big long blogs.

nowhere to be found. lost to cyberspace. story of my life.

a quick recap: after 2 wks in puerto rico, spent a week in indiana. saw friends. hung out. won't see them again until this time next year. wrote big long email to ex about how i'm unsatisfied with her excuse for breaking up with me (in august, mind you) and just want her to tell me the truth (which i've determined, based on evidence gleaned from discussions in puerto rico, that she's not telling). email disappeared into cyberspace (much like last two HUGE blogs) before getting to her. definitely a sign. probably a good thing.

i'm sick. i had the lamest new years eve that i've had in over 10 years. i was asleep by like 10"45 and woke up at 12:10. lame.

i'm sick. it sucks. bronchitis, i think, based on the semi-constant cough, and the headaches that it produces.

i'm doubtful that tis post will work, but we'll try it anyway.